Download Star Wars: Skeleton Crew S1
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is a live-action television series set in the Star Wars universe, focusing on the adventures of four children who find themselves lost in the galaxy after an unexpected discovery on their home planet, At Attin. The series is set during the New Republic era, a few years after the events of Return of the Jedi, and shares the same timeline as other Disney+ shows like The Mandalorian and Ahsoka 113. Plot Summary The story begins on the seemingly peaceful planet of At Attin, where four children—Wim (Ravi Cabot-Conyers), Fern (Ryan Kiera Armstrong), KB (Kyriana Kratter), and Neel (Robert Timothy Smith)—live relatively normal lives. However, their curiosity leads them to uncover a hidden, long-abandoned spaceship. In a moment of excitement, Wim accidentally activates the ship, launching them into hyperspace and leaving their home planet behind. Now lost in the vast and dangerous galaxy, the children must navigate through strange alien worlds, encounter dangerous pirates, and meet new allies in their quest to find their way back home 1213. One of the key characters they encounter is Jod Na Nawood, played by Jude Law, a mysterious Force-sensitive individual who becomes both a mentor and a source of conflict for the children. Jod’s true intentions remain ambiguous, and the kids must decide whether to trust him as they face various challenges, including run-ins with pirates like Vane (a recurring character from The Mandalorian) and other hostile forces